With yet another thriller, renowned filmmaker Anurag Kashyap is back. The story of two star-crossed couples who are willing to go above and beyond for love is told in the trailer for Anurag Kashyap’s Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat, which stars Alaya F and debutante Karan Mehta.
The nearly two-minute-long trailer teases that the lead actors, Sameer (Karan Mehta) and Ayesha (Alaya F) are developing a romance. But just like every love story, this one has antagonists as well. Due to the disapproval of Ayesha’s family toward her relationship with Sameer, the two decide to elope. According to the movie, only love can spark a genuine revolution.
The subject of Kashyap’s most recent film is “modern-day young relationships and their exploration in a world plagued by prejudices, predatory behaviour, and the unwillingness of older generations in accepting [their] acceptance.” The Marrakech Film Festival hosted the movie’s world premiere.
Amit Trivedi, who has collaborated with Anurag Kashyap on chart-topping albums for movies like Dev D and Manmarziyaan, once again collaborated on Almost Pyaar with DJ Mohabbat. The movie’s story idea had been “brewing” in the director’s mind for a while, he had previously stated in a statement. This will be Kashyap’s second theatrical release in six months following the sci-fi thriller Dobaaraa with Taapsee Pannu as the lead.
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