On Sunday, actor Alia Bhatt attended a function in Singapore and left us wowed by her stylish pregnancy outfit and gorgeous styling. For the ceremony, Alia, who is expecting her and Ranbir Kapoor’s first child, transformed into a golden goddess in a dazzling bronze gold cape gown. The celebrity shared many images of herself on Instagram wearing the custom-made shimmering ensemble and cradling her growing baby belly and her fans couldn’t stop showering love in the comments.
Her bronze-gold dress entailed a flowing skirt that skimmed the floor, and a cloak that was draped over the shoulders to give her a princess-like appearance. It had a slightly plunging neckline and a belt clinched it together at the waist. The outfit included plenty of pleats and a fluid style, which highlighted Alia’s baby bump beautifully, as well as gave her overall look more depth.
With minimal jewellery, including stackable bracelets, statement rings in both gold and diamond, and dangling earrings, Alia’s accessories complemented the outfit well. She kept her hair in side-parted waves, and her makeup was minimal as well from subtle eye shadow to a nude lipstick. The Gangubai Kathiawadi actress definitely looked like a goddess with the golden dress coupled with all that pregnancy glow, and we’re so here for it.
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