Bollywood’s ‘Khiladi’ Akshay Kumar was seen at Jama Masjid in Delhi as he is shooting for his upcoming film. A video is doing the rounds on social media, where the actor is dressed in a grey shirt and dark blue pants paired with sunglasses and was pictured near Jama Masjid. He was greeted with loud cheers and whistles as a sea of fans was seen at the location to get a glimpse of the actor. The viral video from the sets featured the actor shooting near Jama Masjid.
As he was seen coming out of an old building, Akshay waved at his fans and also did the namaste gesture while walking towards his car. He was surrounded by security to take him to his car. He is popularly known for his fitness and for delivering powerful roles in movies, has an interesting lineup of films this year. The actor recently wrapped the Uttarakhand schedule of his upcoming film, Shankara, and reached New Delhi for the shooting.
Last week, the actor took a break from the shooting to embark on a spiritual journey. The superstar also visited the Badrinath Temple and offered prayers. Sharing his experience with his fans, the actor took to social media to post a video that captured an aerial view of the temple. On wrapping up the shoot in Uttarakhand, he took to Instagram to share a bare-bodied picture, photographed from the back, and wrote, “Wrapped up an amazing shoot schedule in the amazing Devbhoomi. Love you Uttarakhand. Hope to be back soon.”
Reportedly, Akshay is shooting for a film titled Shankara. Details about the film are kept under wraps. On the work front, Akshay Kumar has a couple of exciting films lined up in the pipeline. The actor will be seen in Bade Miyan Chote Miyan with Sonakshi Sinha and Tiger Shroff. Akshay also has the second installment of Oh My God lined up. Having said that, he will be sharing screen space with Radhika Madan in the Hindi remake of Soorarai Pottru.
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