Aditya Roy Kapur and Sanjana Sanghi are busy promoting his next film, OM: The Battle Within. While the actor was last seen in the 2020 film Ludo, the actress is best known for Dil Bechara. The trailer launch event for the upcoming film was held today in Mumbai. For the event, Sanjana Sanghi opted for a playful gown with sheer metallic accents. She kept her make-up glamorous and paired the gown with heels. Aditya opted for a casual look. He wore a white t-shirt under a dark jacket and paired it with black jeans. And he looked effortlessly cool.
OM: The Battle Within is an actioner that will see Aditya take on the titular role of OM. He is joined by Sanjana Sanghi, Jackie Shroff, Prakash Raj, Ashutosh Rana and Prachi Shah in pivotal roles.
Check out the lead pair’s pictures from the trailer launch here:
Aditya Roy Kapur
Aditya Roy Kapur
Aditya Roy Kapur
Sanjana Sanghi, Aditya Roy Kapur
Sanjana Sanghi, Aditya Roy Kapur
Sanjana Sanghi
Sanjana Sanghi
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