Adipurush, the mythological thriller starring Prabhas, is all set to release on January 12, 2023, and after all the wait, Prabhas has finally published the teaser poster for the forthcoming movie via his Instagram. The teaser poster showcases the actor who plays Lord Ram, sitting on one knee and gazing upward towards the sky while carrying a bow and arrow. He has his hair tied back and is dressed in a waistcoat and dhoti. In the distance, lighting may be seen in the blazing sky. This is the first look of Prabhas’ character and shows him in complete glory, embracing the warrior that his character is.
Prabhas captioned the post, “Aarambh (Beginning) || Join us as we embark on a magical journey on the Sarayu River Bank in Ayodhya, UP. #AdipurushInAyodhya. Unveil the first poster and teaser of our film with us on Oct. 2 at 7:11 PM! #AdipurushTeaser #Adipurush releases in theatres on January 12, 2023 in IMAX & 3D! (sic).” He also tagged the cast and crew of the film.
Prabhas is reuniting with Tanhaji actor Saif Ali Khan in the film, who will be playing Lankesh. Sunny Singh portrays Lakshman, while Kriti Sanon plays Sita. The teaser and the first look of the poster are scheduled to happen on October 2nd in Ayodhya with the entire cast and crew.
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