Om Prakash Salvi, a talented actor, is set to make his mark on the big screen with his upcoming film. In his acting debut, he has chosen a project that delves into the migration of Rajasthanis to Tamilnadu.
During the narration process, Salvi expressed his deep empathy for the plight of these migrants upon learning about the Census 2011 data. It revealed that Rajasthan had the highest number of outmigrants among all states, with approximately 5.3 million people migrating to other regions. Rajasthanis have sought better employment opportunities and livelihoods in states like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu. They have found work in diverse sectors including construction, agriculture, manufacturing, services, and trade.
Speaking about his upcoming film, Salvi revealed that it is a short film with a runtime of approximately 1.6 hours. The film revolves around the theme of Rajasthan natives relocating to Tamilnadu in search of employment opportunities. It promises to be a interesting cinematic experience.
Salvi expressed his excitement about this project, stating that he went through multiple auditions before being approached for the film titled “Pyar Na Hoga Dobara.” As this is his first film, he is eagerly looking forward to the experience. The title and further details of the film will be announced soon.
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